“Rebellious frizzy hair is one of the most annoying issues women have to deal with every morning. One of the best ways to solve this problem is Japanese hair straightening, alias thermal reconditioning.”
Plaza Hair Salon
Many women constantly visit us at Plaza Hair Salon to get their hair straightened. The Japanese Hair Straightening procedure is their choice because it lasts more than the usual straighteners. As for the procedure itself, here are the steps that will help get that shiny, straight hair.
1st Step: Get a Hair-Diagnosis
Every Japanese hair straightening procedure starts with a careful analysis of the person’s hair state. Strong, healthy hair is usually prone to stand the straightening test successfully and look stunning at the end. However, in case of sensitive hair, it’s important to proceed cautiously and assess the hair’s quality thoroughly before proceeding with the straightening. Dry, or damaged hair which has been previously subject to chemical treatments might not qualify for the procedure.
2nd Step: Get the Hair Washed
This is basically the first step of the process and one that can’t be skipped if you aim for optimal results. Gently washing the hair with warm water and shampoo softens it and gets it ready for the following steps.
3rd Step: Treating the Hair
This is an essential step of the Japanese hair straightening method and it is commonly referred to as pre-treatment. At this stage, the hair receives a vitality boost by spraying a water-mineral solution that will protect it from the chemicals that will be applied further on.
4th Step: Using the Activator
This is when the actual straightening occurs. The activator is applied in order to help manage the hair protein that accounts for the hair’s irregular aspect. The solution is smoothly and uniformly applied to the hair which is then wrapped in plastic. Afterward, clients are required to wait between several minutes and an hour before passing to the next stage.
5th Step: Wash it up
Now that the activator did its job, it’s time to rinse it and get ready to straighten the hair. The cleansing is carried out gently as to protect the hair and so is the combing.
6th Step: Time for Ironing
At this stage, a hair dryer is used, but the hair isn’t fully dried because, during ironing, the hair must retain a certain amount of moisture. This is one of the longest phases of the procedure that will last for an hour or so.
7th Step: Time for Neutralization
This stage implies the use of a so-called neutralizer that aims to balance the hair’s pH level after the ironing phase is completed. This step is an easy one and it’s prone to last no longer than several minutes.
8th Step: Wash it up
After the neutralizer has done its job, it’s time to rinse it out gently. At this stage, hair conditioning is also applied as a treatment that will enhance the hair’s natural shine and strength.
9th Step: Drying
Now that the procedure is almost finalized, a mineral solution and controller cream are applied to the hair and then the drying begins. It’s very important to perform the drying in cuticle’s direction to maintain the shape and protect the shining aspect.
10th Step: Final touch – Ironing
The last stage implies ironing the hair once more only where necessary so that it will have the perfect look everyone longs for.
Final tip: Anyone who has gone through the Japanese straightening procedure must avoid hair-water contact for the next 2-3 days.
Get Your Japanese Straightening Done at Plaza Hair Salon!

For fantastic results, you will need a certified stylist because the Japanese Hair Straightening is a difficult and complex process. A certified stylist will give you all the details on how the process develops, what to expect and ways to take care of your hair afterward.
In 2015 I obtained my Japanese Straightening stylist certification. Pay us a visit to Plaza Hair Salon and straighten up your hair using this awesome procedure. Call 858.485.7551 or e-mail us at appointment@plazahairsalon.com for your appointment. We also welcome walk-ins!