“I had done the Japanese straightening procedure before, at Mai’s suggestion, and I loved it as soon as I saw myself in the mirror! I don’t know that I’ll ever want my hair to look different – this is crazy good!”
Hilda O.
If you’ve ever woken up, looked in the mirror and sighed, you’re going to want this. Because, seriously, a worn-out, frizzy hairstyle is not sexy. And curly hair is lovely, but sometimes you just want a change. Also, wavy hair is wonderful, but oh so hard to manage. And When Oprah herself lends weight to Japanese straightening by talking about it in her O Magazine, you know you’ve got to try it.

What Is Japanese Straightening?
Japanese straightening (or hair rebonding, or thermal reconditioning, whatever your salon prefers to call it) is a name given to a complex procedure and treatment applied to hair to give it a super-silky, super-smooth look.
Once you have talked to your stylist about your hair’s chemical condition, you will have to take a few hours out of your day to sit for the procedure. The hair is treated with a special solution that chemically alters the hairs by breaking down their molecular bonds to make them softer and smoother. The solution is left in; when the hair is ready for the next step, it gets rinsed and conditioned, then flat-ironed in small sections for the best results, neutralized and blown dry.

Who Should Get It?
You need to be absolutely certain that you want smooth, silky, straight hair for the next few months. Because this is not a temporary solution that you can change your mind about; other chemical treatments will not make your hair wavy again for quite a while.
But if you’ve suffered through unmanageable hair and want a simple, long-lasting, elegant and cost-efficient solution, this is it.
Make no mistake: this is a lengthy procedure and costs a bit more than your regular trim. But you will be able to save on the next few months’ worths of hairstyling and just relax, without worrying about your professional look or your party hair: this style can go wild or conservative with just a few tricks. A twirl, a knot, a side part, a half-up, a regular ponytail, a side ponytail, a high knotted ponytail or a low plain one, and about three dozen other looks can come out of this procedure.
Get Your Japanese Straightening at Plaza Hair Salon!
So, if you’re ready to make your life easier (and maybe play more imaginatively with your hair), you should get the Japanese straightening with our trained staff at the Plaza Hair Salon. We are certified to deliver this complex and amazing procedure. No more sighing in front of the mirror, pay us a visit to Plaza Hair Salon and get your hair straighten up with this fantastic procedure. Call 858.485.7551 or e-mail us at appointment@plazahairsalon.com for your appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome too!